Annual Report 2023/24

Guidestar Platnium

GuideStar, USA, Inc. collects information about every single IRS-registered non-profit organization.

GuideStar helps us track and to disclose exactly where the money goes. Reviewing transparency and awarding nonprofits with Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze participation levels. The Dive Pirates Foundation earned the Platinum GuideStar Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information.

By sharing metrics that highlight progress, that we the Foundation are making towards our mission. The Dive Pirates Foundation, now in our 20th year of sharing the freedom of diving with people with physical disabilities, is helping donors move beyond simplistic ways of nonprofit evaluation such as overhead ratios.

To reach the Platinum level, we added extensive information to our GuideStar profile, tracking where the money goes. This included basic contact and organizational information; in-depth financial information; qualitative information about goals, strategies, and capabilities; and quantitative information about results and progress toward our mission. By taking the time to provide this information, The Dive Pirates Foundation continues to demonstrate its commitment to transparency and to giving donors and funders meaningful data. This data is used to evaluate the non-profit which continues to grow through a network of dive centers and training agencies that embrace the vision of welcoming divers with disabilities into the mainstream world of scuba diving.