Bob and Eulene Wagner were high school sweethearts, following each other to the University of Northern Colorado and through their 30-year teaching careers; Eulene taught elementary and Bob was a high school band director. Now enjoying retirement, they share something else, both have multiple sclerosis (MS). Eulene, diagnosed in 1996, continues to work through pain and stiffness. Currently she is using a cane to compensate for her feet, which are now frozen. Bob, diagnosed in 2003, has some paralysis on his left side. Eulene has always enjoyed swimming and was thrilled to sign up for a “try scuba” event at Denver Divers. Her husband said he would pass, but Eulene signed him up any way, and on that day Bob was the first one in the pool and the last to get out, he loved it. Now they are Dive Pirates!
Bob and Eulene Wagner have Janice Strayve and Josh Temple as dive buddies. Janice and Josh learned to dive with John Sherman of Denver Divers of Denver, CO.
- Janice
- Josh