Darrell Taylor Headshot

Darrell Taylor

$0 of $5,000 raised

Retired Petty Officer Second Class Darrell Taylor

Darrell, a Coast Guard vet, PADI certified diver has done all he can to stay close to their passion.

Petty Officer Second Class Darrell Taylor has always enjoyed helping people and wanted a job he could commit to. It was no surprise, then, when he jumped at the opportunity to join the Michigan Coast Guard. There he found a deep love for the water and diving in particular. He performed dives as far down as 130 feet and also assisted local law enforcement on occasion via recovery dives.

During a rescue operation one night, however, things would go horribly awry.  While stationed in Freeport, Texas, he was dispatched to investigate reports of a boat fire in the Gulf of Mexico. Due to severe weather conditions and an accident at the helm, Darrell was thrown to the deck and a heavy gun landed on top of him. The result was serious damage to his spinal cord that was treated via implantation of numerous metal bars and cages to his body.

Though he remains mobile, he does experience occasional numbness in his lower extremities and uses a cane when the going gets too tough. He enjoys snorkeling and underwater photography.

Darrell will be training with Houston based Instructor John Oldmixon and Adaptive Buddy Matt Zajec.

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Donation Total: $100.00