Debbie Taylor
Debbie Taylor
Debbie of Lake Jackson, Texas lives for the water, a competitive swimmer has done all she can to stay close to her passion.
Debbie was 3 years old when her parents noticed her impaired mobility. As a child, she couldn’t run and play with the kids her age and spent most of her time sitting and watching others.
During the 1960s medical understanding of muscular dystrophy wasn’t very conclusive, so it wasn’t until the early 1970’s that Debbie was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy. This disease severely impairs Debbie’s lower body control, and though she can walk short distances, she must rely on a walker or wheelchair to move long distances. Seeing their daughter struggle so much, Debbie’s parents enrolled her in swimming classes, and the moment she hit the water she found her greatest freedom. She joined her school’s marching band, though marching was mostly out of the question, she played the bassoon, clarinet, and oboe.
Today, Debbie often enjoys the water, especially snorkeling, with her husband Darrell.