Sean grew up in a water-loving family, and many of his family members are active divers. He has always snorkeled above but longs to be down with everyone else. His family lived in Hawaii for two years, and he watched his dad, uncle, and cousins all dive.
Sean was born with a tumor on his spinal cord, and as he grew that tumor put pressure on his spinal column causing a myriad of problems. At one point his left ankle refused to function, the tumor affecting his growth to where one leg grew longer than the other. Throughout his childhood, he had more than 20 surgeries to reduce the tumor and its effects on his mobility, however, one of those surgeries caused incomplete paralysis at L2-L3.
Sean continues to live a very active life, earning a degree in digital media, and currently works as a designer for a metal manufacturer. He was very excited to see his friend Mike Romanowski become a dive pirate and realized he too could find a way to join others diving below the surface. Sean trained with Instructors Ray Thibodeau and Scott Monson of Emerald Coast Scuba